Mark your calendars for Tuesday August 23rd when Theresa Pella will discuss “What is a State Implementation Plan (SIP) and Why Should I Care?”
The meeting will be held at the National Park Service, Academy Place Office Building, conference room 440, 7333 West Jefferson Avenue in Lakewood (near Hampden & Wadsworth). We will start at 11:30 with lunch and socializing. The presentation will begin at noon.
Time: 11:30 lunch (no cost); 11:50 welcome and introductions; noon presentation
Place: National Park Service, Academy Place Office Building, conference room 440, 7333 West Jefferson Avenue in Lakewood (near Hampden & Wadsworth).
DIRECTIONS:The meeting location is at conference room 440.
Speaker Bio – Theresa has been the Executive Director of the Central States Air Resource Agencies Association (CenSARA) since August 2011. She’s worked in state air quality regulatory programs since 1990, in various programmatic and policy capacities, including rule and SIP development with the Illinois EPA, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Theresa holds a B.A. in Management and M.A. degree in Legal Studies from the University of Illinois at Springfield.
ABSTRACT:Regulatory air quality agencies have the responsibility of developing, implementing, and enforcing state implementation plans, the roadmaps for bringing areas that are out of compliance with a national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) into attainment and ensuring maintenance of the NAAQS. Ms. Pella will provide an overview of the SIP process, including when and how external stakeholders can provide input.
To help with ordering pizza and drinks, please RSVP by Monday, August 22nd to Theresa Pella at [email protected] or [email protected]; phone # 512-585-1511.