Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 24, 2015 when Colorado State Unviersity’s Jenny Hand will be our featured speaker during the luncheon meeting of the Rocky Mountain States Section of the Air & Waste Management Association.

Time:  11:30 lunch (no cost); 11:50 welcome and introductions; noon presentation

Place: National Park Service, 7333 W. Jefferson, Lakewood, Conference Room 44


The meeting location is at Academy Place, 4th Floor conference room, which is one block south of Wadsworth and Hampden. Jefferson Street is the first light south of Hampden; go east; the office building is on the north side with a pond out front.  Enter the building on the east side and go up the elevator to the 4th floor.  Turn left and go about 50 feet to the conference room on the left.

ABSTRACT. For over 25 years the IMPROVE network has been collecting speciated aerosol data with which to examine trends in aerosol composition and reconstructed haze. By analyzing trends we have observed dramatic widespread improvements in visibility through the reduction of pollutants and precursor emissions. However, analyses have also revealed that some regional and seasonal mean aerosol concentrations have increased, counter to reductions in known regional and local emissions. These positive regional trends point to the importance for understanding the influence of non-regulated sources and international contributions to particulate matter and visibility in remote areas of the United States.

Dr. Jenny Hand is a research scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere at Colorado State University. She has been working on issues related to air quality and haze in national parks and remote areas for nearly 20 years. She currently serves as the Chair of AWMA’s visibility technical coordinating committee.

If you would like to attend, please rsvp to Tom Hormel ([email protected]) by COB Wednesday, September 23rd.