2023 Air Quality Conference
Rocky Mountain States Section of the AWMA

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Reach out to us with questions
Sponsorship committee contact:
Sara Nuttall [email protected]

Sponsorship Levels

Lunch Sponsor          $2,500 – SOLD


  • Two Free Registrations
  • Company logo on screensaver at conference
  • Full page ad in program
  • Company recognized with “Sponsor Sign” at serving line
  • Verbal mention at the start of lunch
  • Company provided brochures may be placed at each table
  • Small company logo sponsor recognition at each table

* Limit one lunch sponsor

Happy Hour Sponsor          $1,750

(Heavy appetizers/ cash bar)

  • One Free Registration
  • Company logo on screensaver at conference
  • Full page ad in program
  • Company recognized with “Sponsor Sign” at appetizer table
  • Verbal mention at the end of the program day

* Limit two happy hour sponsors

Breakfast, Morning Break, and Afternoon Break Sponsors          $1,500

  • One Free Registration
  • Company logo on screensaver at conference
  • Full page ad in program
  • Company recognized with “Sponsor Sign” at food table
  • Verbal mention at the start of breakfast/break

* Limit three breakfast/break sponsors

Air Quality Hero          $1,000

  • One Free Registration
  • Company logo on screensaver at conference
  • ½ page ad in program,
  • Listing as session sponsor in program
  • Verbal mention during the session
  • One “Networking/Exhibit Table” to place small company sign, business cards, company fliers, tabletop display

Air Patron           $500

  • Company logo on screensaver at conference
  • Text listing in program as sponsor

2023 Sponsors

Lunch Sponsor

Break Sponsor

Air Quality Heroes

Air Quality Patrons