2024 Scholarship Award Announcement
Mercy Ike Ajigah

Mercy Ike Ajigah is a graduate student specializing in Environmental Engineering at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, working with Dr. Kip Carrico in the Air Quality Lab. Her research focuses on using smart building technologies and air leakage diagnostics to enhance building energy efficiency mitigating adverse health impacts by ensuring safe, sustainable indoor environments.
Amber Allen
Amber is a graduate student earning a degree is Civil Engineering at Brigham Young University. Her current research focuses on collecting and analyzing emissions from vehicles in Utah, with an emphasis on emissions from heavy-duty trucks. Amber developed a passion for researching air quality issues while pursuing her undergraduate
degree in Environmental Science and Sustainability. She hopes to use her research and educational experiences to improve air quality regulations and address issues of environmental justice in her community.

Weixin Zhang

Weixin Zhang is currently a graduate student in the Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University. He studies air pollutant emissions from unconventional oil and gas development (UOGD) through model simulations and field campaigns. His research aims to evaluate the impacts of UOGD activities on health risks in local communities and the formation of regional ozone and haze, as well as to determine the best management practices that minimize such impacts.
View Awardees from Previous Years
About the Air and Waste Management Association
The Air and Waste Management Association (A&WMA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional organization that enhances knowledge and expertise by providing a neutral forum for information exchange, professional development, networking opportunities, public education, and outreach to more than 5,000 environmental professionals in 65 countries. A&WMA promotes global environmental responsibility and increases the effectiveness of organizations to make critical decisions that benefit society.
Award winners will be requested to participate as student liaisons with the Rocky Mountain States Section of the Air and Waste Management Association (RMSS-AWMA). Activities may include lunch meeting speaker, planning committee for regional air quality conference, or in another capacity.
Up to four students will each be awarded between $2,000 – $4,000. Final scholarship awards and amounts will be based on a merit-based system to the top students as judged by an independent review panel. A 1-year student A&WMA membership will be reimbursed per awardee who joins A&WMA.
Submit questions to [email protected]
Review the judge’s form for guidance on how applicants are evaluated.