Emerging Issues around Air Quality and Waste in the Rocky Mountain States
Thursday, November 2, 2023
The Rocky Mountain States Section – Air & Waste Management Association (RMSS-A&WMA) is hosting a one-day Air Quality Technical Conference. The focus of this conference is on current and future air quality and waste issues affecting the Rocky Mountain Region.
Denver Marriott West
1717 Denver West Blvd., Golden, Colorado 80401
(located on the North side of I-70 at Exit 273)
Conference Agenda At a Glance
Session: Air and Waste Management | |
The W in AWMA: The Outlook for Waste Diversion in Colorado | David Snapp, Solid Waste and Materials Management Program Manager, CDPHE |
Leveraging Machine Learning in Air Quality and Waste Management: Practical Applications and Use Cases for Data-Driven Decision Making | Kyong B. Song, Barr Engineering |
Methane Reduction Initiatives, Laws, and Regulations: An Overview | James Van Horne, SLR International |
Session: Environmental Justice and Community Air Monitoring | |
Breathe Easy: How Love My Air Engages Denver Communities through Air Quality Monitoring and Communication | Brendan Lawlor and Ephraim Milton, Denver Dept of Public Health and Environment |
Commerce City, the most polluted ZIP Code in the U.S.? | Detlev Helmig, Boulder A.I.R. |
Data-driven decisions, strategies, and policies through a county-level air quality monitoring program | Annareli Morales and Dan Joseph, Weld County Dept. of Public Health and Environment |
A Proposed Risk-Based Screening Assessment Framework for Evaluating Exposures from Unconventional Oil and Gas Development Emissions | Debra Kaden, Ramboll |
Panel Session | |
Panel discussion with the Division directors of CDPHE addressing near term priorities | Michael Ogletree – Air Quality Nicole Rowan – Water Quality Tracie White – Hazardous Waste and Materials Jeff Lawrence (TBD) – Env Health and Sustainability |
Session: Ozone and Precursors | |
Ozone and volatile organic compounds at Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico | Andrey Marsavin, Colorado State University |
Uintah Basin Air Quality Update – Wintertime Ozone | Bob Hammer, SLR International |
Autonomous Network of Low-Cost PM2.5 and Ozone Sensors to Study Spatial Distribution and Exposure in Underserved Agricultural Communities | Akshay Kumar, Colorado State University |
Session: Ozone and Modeling | |
Overview of Monte Carlo Statistical Techniques in Air Quality Modeling | Jason Reed, Ramboll |
Collaborative Expert Review of the Denver-Julesburg Basin Oil and Gas Emission Inventory for Ozone NAAQS Planning in northern Colorado | Tom Moore, DM/NFR RAQC |
Precursor Emissions Control Strategy Evaluation: Weighted Emissions Potential / Area of Influence / Potential Source Contribution Analysis in the Denver Metro / North Front Range Ozone NAAQS Nonattainment Area | Ralph Morris, Ramboll |
2023 Sponsors
Lunch Sponsors

Break Sponsors

Air Quality Hero

Air Quality Patron